Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Diet or not to diet...

     Ok, let's be honest, who likes to diet? I have yet to come across a person that is like "oh yeah! lets go on a diet!". Most people are like "diet? boooo. I would rather be fat.". So with this being the case in most situations, it is the real question of how am I going to loose weight if I hate dieting SO much??? What I have been seeing EVERYWHERE that promotes weight lose lately is protein shakes. With every new exercise program these days, comes a diet plan which normally includes a good protein shake. I know the word "diet" in and of itself just freaks people out, but I don't mean diet as in cutting out all the tasty foods that we all love to eat. I mean diet as in an eating program. I love when people tell me exactly what to eat and when in order to lose weight. Now my personal dream come true would be someone to not only tell me what to eat, but to make it all for me and bring it to me so all I had to do was eat it. If that were the case, I would be soooo skinny, but let's be realistic here that is not going to happen any time soon.
      I can even begin with the Slim Fast trend. This trend was HUGE. I saw it all over the internet and it was promoted all over stores. There are so many of these protein shake trends.
     Tracy Anderson has even been promoting her new protein shake line all over QVC.
I feel like it's almost impossible to go anywhere on the internet or in stores to research weight loss and especially the gym and not see someone talking about or have someone try to convince you to buy their protein shake.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Skeleton's in the Closet?!?!

Okay, so I totally LOVE this girl!! She is such an inspiration to us all!!! I was looking on Pinterest the other day and came across this girls blog! She has become a beacon of light to women all over the world. She has so many people following her blog and reading her story.

She did it, she lost weight the healthy and happy way. She did get any kind of crazy surgery's, she just worked really hard and saw results. She formed a lifestyle. Isn't that what we're all trying to do?!
Follow this link and read her story! You will NOT be disappointed, I promise! She is so amazing.
This blog has alllll sorts of amazing meal plans and ideas that worked for her, she all of her before and after pictures are unreal. Her results are unbeatable.

It's not easy work, but it can be done!!! That's the best part, with hard work and dedication we can all have that dream body we are searching for!!
Check it!! -->


Abs, Abs, ABS!!

Abs are FOR SURE the worst part on us all. I would say that our abs is what we want to fix 9 times out of 10 and I think I would be right. Women's Health Magazine is one of the best magazines out right now all about helping us lose weight and get those dream bodies we have always wanted.
When I was reading last months issue I came across this awesome ab work out that I have tried a few times and I really feel as though if you do it right, you will see results! Just trust me and give this one a try!!

Mirranda Kerr's Workout!

Mirranda Kerr is one of Victoria's Secret sexiest, hottest models. She is looked at as one of the hottest girls ever!! Let's be honest, she it totally hot!! If you follow this link it will take you to all of her amazing work outs and diet plans! It's amazing! Who doesn't want to look like a Victoria's Secret model?! I DO!!
Follow this!!! ---->>

It's Doesn't Come Natural!!

I LOVE her!! I have always admired her and her amazing body!!! Gwyneth Paltrow is a HOT mama!! It doesn't come easy! It's hard work people! Movie Stars are not all just naturally skinny and hot, they have to work hard at it just like you and I! Hit the gym, keep a healthy diet and you can look just like all of them! Burn more than you are taking in and you WILL lose weight!! 

The World's Fastest Workout

Now days we all know life gets busy and sometimes people just don't have time to work out. With school, work, kids, and many other things that take up a lot of our time, it's hard to make it to the gym and get the workout in that you want. As I was going through my Pinterest account, I came across this great work out. It's a fast 4 minute work out that helps you to burn as many calories as a 40-60 minute run. Trust me, this WILL make you sore just give it a try! 
XOXO Michelle 

The Good Food Shopping List!

The good foods shopping list.
A list of good, healthy food that are categorized. Having the right diet is the most important thing in losing weight and staying healthy. Studies have shown in Women's Health magazine that it is 80% what you take in and 20% your physical activity. So take notes and eat up!! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

P90X- ooooh the magic

     I think by now, everyone in the fitness world has at least heard of, if not tried, the infamous P90X. Who am I kidding, I don't even remember who I heard about P90X from, but I did hear about it, and I did try it.
     I began the 90 day program, and was hooked. I did it faithfully for 90 days, and even long after. Right off the bat, I noticed one thing. This program is about one hour-give or take- of muscle training, and little to no cardio. Like i said before, I am ADDICTED to cardio. I don't feel like I even worked out unless I am sweating my life away on the tredmill or in the spin room at the gym. So, by doing this P90X, my muscles developed more than they had in years. (I used to be a gymnast, and then onto mastering the sport of cheerleading, so yes I had major muscles in the past, but of course once I quit cheer, and didn't instantly start working out, I went from buff stuff so chunky monkey.) This muscular training I was all about, but having to add my own cardio training plan onto this P90X, I was working out about 2 hours a day. Too hard to maintain.
     Some people get INSANE results from programs like P90X, like Dreya Webber in the photo above, but I personally am not trying to become super buff like her, even though she looks HOT. I am going for more of the Victoria's Secret Angel look- which is more of a Diet plan than workout plan lets be honest, but hey who wouldn't want a body like this??
So, sorry P90X, I do respect you, but you are just not the program for me.


Wii Fit: fad or here to stay?

     Something I, and i'm assuming most people love, is convenience. Any workout I can do at home I HAVE to try. So, the second I started seeing that the Wii came out with Wii Fit all over TV, I was sucked in. I got one, and immidiately hopped on to try the regular game that came with my Wii Fit. Since, sometimes I feel like a fitness critique, I felt the need to critique this.
     My own personal preference told me that the Wii Fit was just not for me. It's more for people who don't really workout a ton, therefore needing an at home workout that is fairly easy (even on the hard settings) and doesn't have a lot of good cardio options- which I am a cardioaholic. Needless to say, I didn't last long on the Wii Fit program.
     The next few times I even stepped foot on my Wii Fit balance board, was to only play the "games" they have on Wii Fit with my friends. (If that doesn't give you an idea of what kind of "workouts" are on this thing, I don't know what more i can say.)
     A few years later- which would be lately- I have been seeing all sorts of new Wii Fit promotions everywhere. Of course the super fit Jillian Michaels has been promotion their new program, and even my girl Tracy Anderson has been seen promoting this program. It's got to be different than their first, and with them two promoting it, it's gotta be good. Maybe i'll even have to try it one of these days... who knows!


Cross Fit

     So, the latest craze in the fitness world is cross fit. I have been hearing about cross fit for months now, and forgot about it for a bit until I was watching The Doctors today and miss Jillian Michaels herself was promoting it.
      But, ever since I have heard about it, and not participated i've been wondering what exactly it is, and why everyone seems to be so obsessed with it. So, I looked it up! I searched What is crossfit? on youtube, and that is what i found.