Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Diet or not to diet...

     Ok, let's be honest, who likes to diet? I have yet to come across a person that is like "oh yeah! lets go on a diet!". Most people are like "diet? boooo. I would rather be fat.". So with this being the case in most situations, it is the real question of how am I going to loose weight if I hate dieting SO much??? What I have been seeing EVERYWHERE that promotes weight lose lately is protein shakes. With every new exercise program these days, comes a diet plan which normally includes a good protein shake. I know the word "diet" in and of itself just freaks people out, but I don't mean diet as in cutting out all the tasty foods that we all love to eat. I mean diet as in an eating program. I love when people tell me exactly what to eat and when in order to lose weight. Now my personal dream come true would be someone to not only tell me what to eat, but to make it all for me and bring it to me so all I had to do was eat it. If that were the case, I would be soooo skinny, but let's be realistic here that is not going to happen any time soon.
      I can even begin with the Slim Fast trend. This trend was HUGE. I saw it all over the internet and it was promoted all over stores. There are so many of these protein shake trends.
     Tracy Anderson has even been promoting her new protein shake line all over QVC.
I feel like it's almost impossible to go anywhere on the internet or in stores to research weight loss and especially the gym and not see someone talking about or have someone try to convince you to buy their protein shake.

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