Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wii Fit: fad or here to stay?

     Something I, and i'm assuming most people love, is convenience. Any workout I can do at home I HAVE to try. So, the second I started seeing that the Wii came out with Wii Fit all over TV, I was sucked in. I got one, and immidiately hopped on to try the regular game that came with my Wii Fit. Since, sometimes I feel like a fitness critique, I felt the need to critique this.
     My own personal preference told me that the Wii Fit was just not for me. It's more for people who don't really workout a ton, therefore needing an at home workout that is fairly easy (even on the hard settings) and doesn't have a lot of good cardio options- which I am a cardioaholic. Needless to say, I didn't last long on the Wii Fit program.
     The next few times I even stepped foot on my Wii Fit balance board, was to only play the "games" they have on Wii Fit with my friends. (If that doesn't give you an idea of what kind of "workouts" are on this thing, I don't know what more i can say.)
     A few years later- which would be lately- I have been seeing all sorts of new Wii Fit promotions everywhere. Of course the super fit Jillian Michaels has been promotion their new program, and even my girl Tracy Anderson has been seen promoting this program. It's got to be different than their first, and with them two promoting it, it's gotta be good. Maybe i'll even have to try it one of these days... who knows!


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